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Compiano Castle
"where time has stopped"

A millennial fortress surrounded by the reliefs of the Emilian Appenine, situated to control the verdant Valtaro, in Parma province.
Early in XX century the defensive building, then transformed into the elegant residence of the noble Landi family, was turned into a boarding school for young girls and finally it became Marchesa Raimondi Gambarotta's permanent address as well as an eclectic house-museum

choose our Castle

organize your wedding, a special anniversary of yours or a corporate event with us

degusta specialità

il meglio della cucina emiliana arricchita dalla tradizione della vicina Lunigiana

enrich your stay

combine a visit to the museum collections with 
er tourist activities

discover rich art collections

an eclectic house-museum and some original art collections are waiting for you!


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book a romantic bedroom

give yourself a stay to live "A Thousand and One Night" atmospheres

In JULY AND AUGUST visits to the museum collections are EXCLUSIVELY GUIDED (in Italian language, with written documents for foreign languages), included in the entrance ticket. EVERY DAY at:  11.00am, 12.00 pm; 3.00 pm, 4.00 pm, 5.00 pm, 6.00 pm*.


 Hours of opening to the public in other months of the year.

The groups will be made up of a maximum of 15-18 visitors considering the small spaces of some rooms and to allow greater use of the museum collections.

Priority will be given to visitors who have booked.


Dogs are allowed on a leash, with n. maximum of 1 for each round.
Reservation required.

* start of the last guided tour (it is recommended to arrive 10 minutes before the start of the tour). Private guided tours in foreign languages by advance booking (€ 80 extra charge)


€10 full admission ticket

€7 reduced admission ticket*
**(children aged 7 - 16   /   Castelli del Ducato card holders / residents in the Municipality of Compiano / booked groups - minimum 15 admissions during opening hours and guided tour shifts)
 / those who take care of people with serious motor/cognitive disabilities
€2 admission ticket for temporary exhibitions only 

Free of charge (children aged (0 – 6), people suffering from severe motor and cognitive disabilities (RESERVATION IS ALWAYS REQUIRED), teachers as group leaders of visiting school groups (n°2 for each 20 students), group leaders of summer camps (n°2 for each 20 children), journalists/bloggers by prior agreement with the Castle secretariat)

Thank you for your request!

_Ask for availability - hotel

_Opening hours - museum collections

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